Hollywood Hills-CA

In a place where many come to explore and even more come to dream, many outsiders see Hollywood as a source of great innovation and experimentation. The dwelling assembly is based on the chimera like nature of Hollywood, with distinct elements assembled to make a coherent whole. The dwelling attempts to illustrate these qualities through its negative/open spaces, protruding volumes, frosted glass and adaptive screen/shading system, all with the goal to blend the boundary between various architectural figurative elements. The idea is to hopefully leave the visitor with a profound experience of a place that teeter totters on the fulcrum of dreams and reality.

The dwelling is designed to not only comfortably accommodate a family but also adapt to potential other programs. Considering the frequent tourist visitations, the residence and its multipurpose/rec-space could be potentially rented/adapted for special events. Anything ranging from small exhibitions to private events could be accommodated.

Project was selected as director's choice for the ARCHOUTLOUD COMPETITION, as the last Hollywood house