
Dream Quarry

Is an allegorical short story written in a journalistic style about a mysterious event occurring in a somewhat near future. The story is accompanied by a set of 5 images produced in a tarot card style. The Images can be seen as portals into the spatial psyche of the phenomena. The blurring of reality, the hallucinatory and the subconscious paves for a more personal experience, allowing the images to reveal themselves in a more metaphysical format. Reality is never real, but it's always fleeting!

We were running a simulation on the cerebral mainframe of the central Quantum computer, as we were determined to unlock the full potential of the infinitude fabric, developed by a leading computer chip manufacturer. The goal was to see what a self governing ecosystem would be like, devoid of any programming. The idea was to spawn a new kind of intelligence, one that wouldn't be constrained by our predispositions or our affinity to create meaning and purpose from a barrage of curated misinformation. 

The collective consciousness of our perceived world was fundamentally destabilized to its core. Faced with perpetuating socio and psychologically disruptive global events, we had no choice but to resort to experimental measures. We were trying to alter the chip’s morphology by bombarding its crystalline structure with high resonance waves, coupled with electromagnetism, while running a multilayered “CULTURE” simulation on the mainframe’s AI’s neuromorphic module. Not for the system to learn from, but to be aware of it, we were hoping it would form its own understanding.

We’re still puzzled as to what or how it all happened, but we suspect it had something to do with the underlying quantum states of the crystals. For the longest time, humanity widely accepted the notion that we were all living in a simulation, most just didn’t really understand what or how that could be possible, and what kind of underlying systems would be responsible for generating them, at least the illusion of a pre-deterministic universe. Some of the greatest minds of the early 21th century believed that our consciousness and the observed phenomenon of Quantum coherence were somehow correlated to this theory, they just couldn't explain it, they knew however that it had something to do with microtubules in our neurons. These little data channels somehow absorbed and funneled information from one another, which consequently created our conscious awareness of the world we perceived.

We were desperate to figure it out if we were “living” in a universe, where things didn’t exist until they were observed and what that meant for a system that is trying to save on computing resources. Assuming that the underlying fabric of our universe had a limit. With those principles in mind, we tried to interfere with the matrix of the Quantum states in the chip, to see if we could get some kind of a response. We thought that if we exceeded the 10 to the 27th operations threshold, which was more or less equivalent to the processing speed of the human brain, we would be able to glitch the system and potentially give rise to a new self governing entity!

Well, something did happen. We don't know what, but we might’ve succeeded in overloading our system, at least that would explain the core's explosion. It wasn’t until the cleaning crew started to notice strange parasitic-like forms attaching themselves to some surfaces of the facility, from which a fractal like fungus growth began to emerge.

We’re still not entirely sure what this formation is. We’ve watched it mutate over months, it almost acts like some kind of intelligent spore. So far, we’ve only been able to observe its effects on anyone who came to close proximity with the crystals. Oddly, none of them could recall interacting with the formation, even though they have expressed a great deal of emotion while being around it. We watched people laugh and cry and everything in between. The strangest thing however, is that the emotions they’ve expressed had a certain continuity, as if their life flashed before their eyes.

We believed the Quarry( that's what we called the abandoned facility site after the incident) somehow mimics the subconscious state of the observer, possibly projecting the observer’s own memories and experiences back at them, while suppressing the occupant’s conscious state, causing a “objective reduction” allowing the observer to experience their very own essence for the first time.

It’s like having a mirror held up to your face, except your face is an assemblage of experiences of everyone you've thought you've known and their perceptions of you! Whatever this horrific transcendental experience was, we knew that it had the capacity to recalibrate the human mind. Unfortunately, due to the alien nature of this formation, the facility was secured and closed off to anyone within the 20 mile radius. The fear was that it would spread, potentially altering the perceptions of millions of citizens. Attempts have been made to eliminate the anomalous formation, but it only grew as hostility towards its presence escalated, so it was simply contained, or so they thought.

It's been 40 years now, the Quarry has become an area of great mystery but also healing and not just the idea of it. It gave people a glimpse of hope and optimism in a world that has been devoured by fear and perception management. Although officials still deem it to be of great threat to the human psyche, we can say the experiment itself proved to have been greatly influential in determining various states of consciousness that could manifest and fundamentally change one's daily experiences and circumstantial trajectory of their lives.

After deliberating on the field effects from this formation, it has became quite evident that resonating frequencies of the Quantum matrices in these crystalline formations transmitted an alpha wave that our neurological system happened to be compatible with, creating these hallucinations. The phenomenology of this experience appeared to be much more profound and proved to be intrinsically woven and connected to all biological entities. The ontology of the Quarry proposed that our consciousness could be a byproduct of a scape of sequential events and circumstances, a prediction mechanism, interpreted to be some kind of unique universal experience, adhering to universal plutonic principles. Where it inherently and paradoxically manifests itself to be perceived as an authentic metaphysical phenomena. As for the simulation theory, from where we stand, now it's just like saying that we live in a self-organizing, self-assembling logical system whose sole purpose is to spread and manifest, the concepts are in themselves are essentially nested.

Inspired by the research on consciousness by; Stuart Hameroff and Sir Roger Penrose

April 2020