Los Angeles, CA

The LAR Station and control tower span the LA river around 3rd street in DTLA. The idea was to provide an access and transitory space between the river's concrete bed and railways and a park like roaming area, which would be tied to the LA river's redevelopment plans. The permanency of the LA river's bank was the driving force behind the lofty and craft like nature of the train station. It was important to retain the site's infrastructural presence, while combining it with a structure that would feel both ephemeral in it's posture, yet connected to the existing concrete banks. While the idea was ultimately to create an elevated and lofty architecture, the structure and it's permeating landscape needed to feel connected and grounded. As a result, the structural system is left in this flux of forces, feeling like it's lifting, yet suspended, grounded yet elevated. All this consequently give the the Architectural a sense of weightlessness and congruent motion simultaneously.

Visuals Produced at Shimahara Visual.